Eastern Hemlock - Sold Out

Eastern Hemlock - Sold Out
Item# 431
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Product Description

Price listed is for 50 seedlings.

Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) Eastern Hemlock is a long lived evergreen found growing in riparian areas, headwater streams and moist, shady groves in the foothills and mountains of North Carolina. It is extremely shade tolerant but also grows well in full sunlight. The foliage is dense and dark green, often extending to the forest floor. It provides many wildlife benefits including cover, structure and even browse for many species of animals. Dense hemlock canopies shade and cool trout waters. The species is imperiled by an exotic pest, the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid. Eastern Hemlock seedlings from NC Forest Service are treated against the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in the nursery, but will need to be periodically retreated after establishment to maintain effectiveness.